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Pelvic Floor Health for Women

Women's healthcare has long been overlooked. "Only 3.7% of all clinical trials from 2007 to 2020 focused on gynecology, and there is an undeniable gender disparity in the allocation of research funds; a disproportionate share of resources is dedicated to diseases that affect primarily males, at the expense of funding for research on conditions that disproportionately affect females, such as pregnancy disorders, autoimmune diseases and reproductive tract disorders." Due to this lack of support and information from the medical community, many women feel a need to take their health care into their own hands, seeking alternative treatments and knowledge.

"A report by the Global Health Alliances in 2014 suggested that neglect in medical research and funding is directly responsible for delayed diagnosis, severe disease progression and premature death of women." This blog post shares a personal experiences as a women seeking reproductive healthcare, as well as other helpful resources to support women's pelvic floor health including tools, yoga poses and references to pelvic floor therapists.

The Women's Health Gap:

The women's health gap refers to the persistent disparities and inequalities in healthcare that disproportionately affect women, including delayed diagnoses, underrepresentation in research, and systemic barriers.

Endometriosis, commonly referred “the missed disease”, because of it's lack of research and underdiagnosis, is a stark example of how women experience this "gap" in healthcare. "Globally, [endometriosis] affects 10% of women and girls of reproductive age, but in the US, for example, only two out 10 cases are diagnosed, with diagnosis taking more than seven years – and even longer for Black women." (Whiting, 2024)

Underdiagnosis and the lack of attention to issues that predominantly affect women directly affect our quality of life and even our lifespans. "The women’s health gap equates to 75 million years of life lost due to poor health or early death each year. Closing the gap would give the 3.9 billion women in the world today an extra seven healthy days a year, or an average of 500 days over a lifetime." (Whiting, 2024)

My Story: The IUD from HELL

After considering different types of birth control options, I decided to go with a copper IUD at the recommendation of my doctor. Prior to having this IUD I always had light periods. However once that thing was inserted everything changed...I started to have terrible periods, absolutely debilitating abdominal pain, vomiting and heavy bleeding.

At the time I thought it was my diet causing these painful period symptoms. I was never warned of these potential side effects, in fact I was told this was the safest option as it was "non-hormonal". It took years to realize my symptoms were caused by the copper IUD, or as I call it the torture device. The terrible period symptoms ceased immediately once it was removed.

My experience with my IUD, the severe symptoms and pain I was in, and constantly being turned away by doctors shed a harsh light on the reality of how our healthcare system treats women's issues. From this experience on I have been on a mission to find methods, companies, and tools that allow me to have more control over my own health. It's time to take our health into our own hands.

Tools to Support your Healing:

My own journey with the "IUD from HELL" led me to discover a trove of empowering tools, resources that are rewriting the script on women's health. Femme Flexor, Evvy, Yoga poses for pelvic floor health, and Reiki are more than just fixes; they're beacons of change, designed by women for women. These resources symbolize a shift from being passive recipients of healthcare to active participants in our well-being.

1. Femme Flexor :

This tool helps you feel and connect with your pelvic floor. Created by the passionate CEO Wanda Cotie, she is on a mission to provide education to women throughout the different stages of life to promote pelvic floor wellness. This little tool is better than your average kegel balls, it was designed by women for women.

2. STI at Home Kit :

If you are like me or one of the other MILLIONS of Canadians who can not get a family doctor, this at home STI test kit provides a great option for fast results. Done in the privacy of your own home, this service provides you with prescription treatment sent straight to your door. "Over 30% of people with vaginas have an imbalanced vaginal microbiome, which can manifest as BV, yeast infections, recurrent UTIs, and more." You can test for Yeast Infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, Cytolytic Vaginosis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and many others. Take the quiz on their website to see if this test kit is the right fit for you.

3. Yoga Poses for Women's Pelvic Floor Health

As a yoga instructor I have created the blog post "Best Yoga Poses for a Healthy Sex Life", the great thing is that the same poses that work to improve your sex life can also be equally beneficial for you pelvic floor health. They work by allowing you to move your body and help you connect with your pelvic floor. The both focus on the region where our Sacral Chakras is located, which is thought to be responsible for our creative expression, intuition, and intimacy (with ourselves or with others).

4. Reiki Course:

A Reiki Course can be a transformative addition on our pelvic floor journeys. Beyond its healing touch, Reiki offers a unique avenue to connect with your body and soul. Within women's health, this course becomes more than just a modality; it's a profound means of cultivating a spiritual connection with oneself. Reiki, with its emphasis on channeling universal energy for healing, provides a holistic approach. It aids in releasing energetic blockages within your body, fostering a harmonious balance that extends beyond the physical.

In Conclusion

So, yes, let's acknowledge the battles, but let's also celebrate the victories. The Women's Health Gap is real, but so is the resilience of women seeking better options. With Femme Flexor, we have a tool that connects us with our pelvic floor in a way that transcends the ordinary. The STI at Home Kit offers a private and efficient solution for those without a family doctor, putting control back in our hands. Yoga can be more than just a physical exercise, but a holistic approach to pelvic floor health, tapping into our creative expression and intuition. Finally, a Reiki Course can provide a unique opportunity to connect with our body and soul, fostering a spiritual dimension to our pelvic floor journey.


Whiting, K. (2024, February 12). 4 conditions that highlight the women’s health gap. World Economic Forum.

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